Aaliyeh Afshar | Alexandra Lussier-Craig | Benoit Roy | Catherine Grenier | Catherine Lamontagne-Poirier | Daniel Jean | Dominic Audet | Esteban Chacin | Fourat Jellouli | Gabrielle Marchand Roy | Guillaume Fournier | Isabelle Verdon | James Richardson | Jean-Baptiste Hardoin | Jean-Benoit Meunier | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jeremie Quesnel | Jonathan Chammas | Jordi Gauthier | Laurent Simon Lapierre | Magalie Desrochers | Marc Tétreault | Marianne Paradis | Mathieu Monnier | Mohamed Ashraf | Myriam Chahbi | Patrice Bilodeau | Quitterie Boissé | Simon Léveillé | Sophiane Verri | Tarik Mikou | Thibault Libert | Timothy Dormady | Victor Lagiewski| | Vincent Letellier
Epic Games, leading interactive entertainment company and developer of the Unreal Engine technology, collaborated with Moment Factory on a live event previs project that uses Digital Multiplex (DMX), the industry standard in lighting control plugins. The project furthers the advancement of DMX’s capabilities, helping to extend the possibilities of previsulation, bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, and welcome the future of live entertainment experiences.