Adrien Zumbihl | Alessia Massimi | Alexandre Gauthier | Alexandre Lupien | Auriane Falières | Axelle Salaun | Benoît Denis | Chloé De Labareyre | Chloé Robillard | Christophe Clermont | Colin Bernard | David Richard | Dounia Hajji | Emanuela Papone | Ernesto Ortega | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Francis Gingras | François Depret | François Desrochers | François Le Bras | François Morel | Gabrielle Plante | Gaël Szpak |Geneviève Mousseau| Grégory Vadnais Alcide | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean-Baptiste Hardoin | Jonathan Chammas | Julie Boniche | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Juliette Derkaoui | Juliette Ledoux | Justine Weulersse | Karo Boily Boulay | Laurent Tollard | Maïté Godin-Cosandey | Marc Tétreault |Marc-André Baril | Marie Belzil | Marika Lapointe | Marie-Pier Veilleux | Matthieu Gourd | Maxime Geraldes | Myriam Dechamplain | Nicolas Garric | Olivia Meredith Bélanger-Mathieu | Olivier Germain | Olivier Schmitt | Pierre Maumont | Robin Fourny | Sara El Bain | Sarah Cloutier-Hébert | Sonia Seninck | Sophian Verri | Sophie Charbonneau | Stéphane Roisin | Valérie Atys Maho | Vicky Leblanc | Vincent Letellier | Vincent Masson
Pathé, a leading film production and distribution company and movie theatre operator in Europe, wanted to strengthen the identity of the Géode, the iconic sphere at the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie in Paris. It commissioned Moment Factory to create a multimedia experience that plunges visitors into an immersive cinematic experience for the entire duration of their visit.