- CODA Awards - Merit | Public Space, 2024
- ARIDO Awards | Registered Interior Designers | GATHER+PLAY, 2024
- Int Design - Grand Prix du Design | Gold Certification
1001 Robert-Bourassa
- Montreal - 2023
Biophilic multimedia design transforms a corporate space into an evolving and adaptable ecosystem fostering creativity and human connection.
Allied, owner and operator of distinctive urban workspace across Canada, sought to transform its Montreal-based 1001 Robert-Bourassa property into a dynamic, programmable hub for work, collaboration, and connection.
In partnership with Gensler architectural firm, Moment Factory oversaw the creative and technical design of the building’s lobby, resulting in the creation of an immersive multimedia ecosystem.
Our studio embraced a biophilic approach, incorporating natural elements to create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere that evolves over days, months, and seasons.
Architecture, lighting, digital art, projection-mapping, spatialized audio, tiered seating, and a greenery wall create points of interest that guide users on a journey of discovery.
The lobby is anchored by an iconic digital display featuring a diverse collection of content capsules inspired by the natural beauty of Montreal. Capsules feature a combination of pre-rendered animations and data-driven visuals.
Moment Factory’s fully integrated server system enables seamless playback, centralized control management, scheduling, and monitoring, allowing tenants to easily program the space for a wide range of events and contexts.
Aaliyeh Afshar | Adrien Zumbihl | Ajmir Kandola | Alexandra Lussier-Craig | Alexandre Lupien | Alexandre Lustigman | Amahl Hazelton | Amina El Assad | Angela Tanzi | Andres Auld | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Aras Bukauskas | Ariane Dorig | Ariane Hamel | Armando Gomez | Arnaud Grosjean | Arnaud Lai Tham | Auriane Falières | Audrey-Kim Poulin | Basile Buisson | Benoit Giguère | Benoît Penaud | Benjamin Carrier | Benjamin Le Talour | Briana Larson | Camille Marois | Carolyne Shapiro | Catherine D'Amours | Catherine Deschatelets | Catherine Giroul | Catherine Grenier | Catherine Knoppers-Turp | Catherine Villeneuve | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlotte Leclair | Charlotte Rudelle | Cheryl Catterall | Christian Pelletier | Christophe Clermont | Claudia Lavergne | Clement Vives | Corentin Kieffer | Cyril Gasté | Daniel Grigsby | David Brebant | David Noppen | David Richard | Dominique Sauvageau | Elliot Pronovost | Elliot Sinyor | Émile Grégoire | Émilie Hudon | Émilie M'Pika Bouquin | Emily Thorne | Emmanuel Bastid | Esteban Chacin | Etienne Eysseric | Étienne Varin | Fady Atallah | Fabienne Mukoma | Filis Ann Ozkurdum | Florian Fouchet | Fortunat Bolangembe | Francis Clément | Francis Kadulick | Francois Beauvais | François Depret | François Desrochers | François Gosselin | François Loubert-Hudon | François Pellet | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Marchand Roy | Gabrielle Plante | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Jobin | Geneviève Lalonde | Geneviève Mousseau | Grégory Vadnais Alcide | Guillaume Bunel | Guillaume Lévesque | Hugo Daoust | Hugo Desmeules | Ionut Ovidiu Lupu | Jacob Moquin-Carle | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jasmine Dufort | Jantana Hennard | Jean Artiges | Jean Laurin | Jean-Benoît Meunier | Jean-Claude Macena | Jean-Daniel Forgues Caron | Jean-Francois Bisson | Jean-François Larouche | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jeffrey Chaussé | Jennifer Erb | Jenny Jodoin | Jérôme Gasselin | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Jocelyn Bonnier | Joel Thomas Adria | Johnny Fitzgerald Blainey | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan Gagné | Jordi-B Gauthier | Jorge Garcia | Joseph Browne | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Justine Lefrancois | Karim Fakhoury | Karo Boily Boulay | Kathy Cát Vi Huynh | Katiana Martel | Kelly Nunes | Kiana Rivard | Kristina Lulham | Kun Chang | Laurent Tollard | Loïc Lerat | Lucy Rybicka | Maïté Godin-Cosandey | Maija Erickson | Marc Provencher | Marc Tétreault | Marc-André Monette | Marika Lapointe | Mariano Franco | Marie Belzil | Marie Martineau | Marie-Helene Pouliot | Marie-Josée Houle | Marie-Philippe Lebel | Marie-Pier Veilleux | Marianne Bousquet | Mathieu Morasse | Matthieu Gourd | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier |Maude Brizard | Maxime Faure | Mélanie Guilbault | Michael Rabarone | Michel Hebert | Michel Klingler | Michèle Seguin | Mikael Charpin | Mohamed Ashraf | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Chahbi | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Natalie Burman | Nathalie Bédard-Morin | Nathanaël Couture-Lécaudé | Nayda Navas | Nicolas Garric | Nikola Nikolaev Nenov | Olivia Meredith Bélanger-Mathieu | Olivier Maurice | Pamela Schneider | Pascal Cousineau | Pascal Michel | Patrice Bilodeau | Patrice Mathieu | Patrick Bisson | Patrick Keyser | Paul Chinnery | Paul Savluc | Pier-Luc Long | Pierre Biet | Pierre Maumont | Quentin Bleton | Rachel Claude | Reda Radi | Rémi Lécuyer | Richard Hachem | Robert Al-Romhein | Roslane Moussouni | Ruby-Maude Rioux | Sacha Veilleux | Salim Lounis | Samir Ounnoughi | Samuel Renard | Sandrine Prud'Homme | Sarah Lachance | | Sebastien Berube | Serge Tremblay | Shogo Kamada | Simon Leonard | Simon Léveillé | Simon Méthot | Sophiane Verri | Sophie Carle | Sophie Charbonneau | Sophie Midavaine | Sotheary Ouk | Steven Béliveau | Sylvia Mazzotti | Sylvain Dumais | Tara-Maria Massaad | Thibault Libert | Thibault Magni | Valérie Atys Maho | Valérie Sangin | Valérie Silva | Vanessa Chartrand | Vanessa Greggain-Lauzon | Veronique Laperle | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Beaulieu | Vincent Letellier | Vincent Pasquier | Vincent Rousselle | Xavier Drapeau-Mayer | Yanick Landry | Zane Kozak