
Moment Factory multimedia director Marie Belzil shares the story of creating the first Lumina night walk.

The path toward a good idea isn’t always clear. At a TEDx talk in Montreal in early 2019, multimedia director Marie Belzil described how paying attention to the world that surrounds us, feeds creativity.

Throughout the talk Marie shares the story behind the creation of the first Lumina night walk, Foresta Lumina, the enchanted night walk that Moment Factory created for the Parc de la Gorge de Coaticook, Quebec in 2014. This multimedia experience was unlike anything that existed at the time, that’s why she points out the importance of sage advice she received early in her career: each site has its own story to tell, and the artist’s role is to reveal it.

Foresta Lumina was a phenomenal success, exceeding its projected visitorship by tenfold and winning a slew of industry awards, including a THEA. Since then, a total of eleven Lumina night walk experiences have been created around the world, including in Japan, Singapore and North America, where more than a million people have visited them.

Each Lumina night walk is inspired by the local culture and unique beauty of its outdoor site. Using lighting design, original soundscape and music, scenography, video content and interactive elements, it draws visitors into a storytelling world as well as enhances a place’s natural beauty.

For Marie, this approach could only have come from staying open to the world and listening to what a place has to say.

Check out Marie Belzil’s TedX talk below.