CREDITS MOMENT FACTORY TEAM: Anastasiya Matuk | Catherine Lamontagne-Poirier | Catherine Therrien | Cécilia Gauffre | Claude Tremblay | Daniel Jean | David Richard | Esteban Chacin | François Desrochers | Geneviève Mousseau | Gregory Vadnais | James Richardson | Jean-Sebastien Jasenovic | Jessica Leroux | Jimmy Mauchretien | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Masterson | Jordi Gauthier | Karo Boily Boulay | Laurent Monnier | Louis Bressand | Marie-Ève Pageau | Mathieu Grainger | Mathieu Monnier | Maxime Doyle | Maxime Geraldes | Pierre Corsy | Rachel Claude | Sophie Carle | Vincent Letellier | Vinh Truong | Yael Braha
Fans of Phish know that when concerts fall on Halloween and New Year’s Eve, they’re in for an epic third set and encore. Phish’s traditional year-end run at Madison Square Garden was postponed to the third week in April, with the band’s New Year’s Eve show falling on April 22 — Earth Day. Moment Factory collaborated with the band and crew to create a magical underwater experience.