2024 - Calgary
Alain Lam | Alexandre Bordereau | Alexandre Dion-Proulx | Alexis Doyon-Lacroix | Amina El Assad | Ana Bohuon | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Ariane Hamel | Audrey Resche | Benoit Giguère | Bianka Monette | Bronwyn Averett | Bruno Angeles | Catherine Emond | Catherine Lachance | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles MacKay | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlie Duquette | Charlotte Leclair | Cheryl Catterall | Chloé Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Christophe Clermont | Cléo Ghnassia | David Richard | David Wirtgen | Émelie Bélair | Émilie Hudon | Emily Thorne | Ernesto Ortega | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Étienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Francis Clément | Francis Gagne | Francis Gingras | Francis Handfield | François Gosselin | François Loubert-Hudon | Frédérique Fouché-Lemieux | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Plante | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Mousseau | Guillaume Bunel | Guillaume Cavaliere-Beranek | Hadrien Bennehard | Jacob Moquin-Carle | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean-Benoît Meunier | Jean-Francois Bisson | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jeffrey Chaussé | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan Gagné | Jordi-B Gauthier | Joris Bourgault Paquet | Joshua Michael Baptista | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Julie Roy-Lamarre | Julie Tardif | Juliette Pays | Justine Lefrancois | Karo Boily Boulay | Kathy Cát Vi Huynh | Loïc Lerat | Mailys Gandin | Maïté Godin-Cosandey | Manon McHugh | Marc-André Baril | Marc-André Monette | Marie Belzil | Marie-Helene Pouliot | Mariève Dorman | Mathieu Monnier | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Michael Rabarone | Michèle Seguin | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Nathanaël Couture-Lécaudé | Olivia Meredith Bélanger-Mathieu | Olivier Maurice | Pascal Cousineau | Pascal Michel | Philippe Huot | Randy Gonzalez | Samir Ounnoughi | Sebastien Berube | Sophiane Verri | Stacey Leavitt | Stephane Lemay | Tara-Maria Massaad | Valérie Sangin | Valérie Atys Maho | Valérie Silva | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Vincent Letellier | Yanick Landry | Zacharie Perreault-Samson.
2024 - Adelaide
Alexandre Bordereau | Alexandre Spanoudis | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Audrey Resche | Benoit Giguère | Brett Cameron | Bronwyn Averett | Camelia Audet-Milon | Cassandre Leguay | Catherine Giroul | Catherine Lachance | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlotte Leclair | Chloé Rondeau | Cléo Ghnassia | Corentin Kieffer | David D'Anjou | David Richard | David Wirtgen | Derwiin Zhu | Émilie Hudon | Émilien Grèzes | Emily Thorne | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Étienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Florian Fouchet | Francis Clément | Francis Gagne | François Depret | François Loubert-Hudon | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Geneviève Mousseau | Guillaume Cavaliere-Beranek | Gustavo Perez Rangel | Hugo Desmeules | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean-Francois Bisson | Jean-Sébastien Jasenovic | Jeffrey Chaussé | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jordi-B Gauthier | Jorge Ismael Cosio Maldonado | Joris Bourgault Paquet | Joseph Browne | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Justine Lefrancois | Karo Boily Boulay | Laurent Tollard | Mailys Gandin | Manon McHugh | Marc-André Baril | Marc-André Monette | Maria Cuadra | Marianne Bousquet | Marie Belzil | Mark Provost | Mathieu Grainger | Mathieu Monnier | Maxime Doyle | Michel Klingler | Michèle Seguin | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Olivier Maurice | Pascal Michel | Patricia Ruel | Philippe Huot | Pier-Luc Long | Pierre-Olivier Durand | Rémy Girard-Chénier | Sebastien Berube | Shogo Kamada | Simon Garant | Sofiia Linichenko | Sophiane Verri | Stacey Leavitt | Stephane Lemay | Tara-Maria Massaad | Valérie D'Amours | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Letellier | Yanick Landry | Yolaine P. Bouliane | Zacharie Perreault-Samson
2023 - Montreal
Aaliyeh Afshar | Alain Lam | Alexandre Bordereau | Alexandre Lupien | Alexandre Spanoudis | Alexis Bowles | Andres Auld | Angela Tanzi | Anne Ezan | Anne-Célia Waddell | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Antoine Pilote | Aurélie Lauzon Potts | Auriane Falières | Benjamin Carrier | Benoit Giguère | Brice Mahier | Bronwyn Averett | Camelia Audet-Milon | Cassandre Leguay | Catherine Deschatelets | Catherine Giroul | Catherine Knoppers-Turp | Catherine Lachance | Cécilia Gauffre | Celine Mornet | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlie Duquette | Charlotte Leclair | Chloé Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Christian Pelletier | Cléo Ghnassia | Corentin Kieffer | Cyril Gasté | David Brebant | David Noppen | David Richard | David Wirtgen | Denis Berghe | Dominique Garcia Lemieux | Elliot Sinyor | Émelie Bélair | Émilie Hudon | Emily Thorne | Eric Bouchard | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Étienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Florian Fouchet | Francis Clément | Francis Gagne | Francis Handfield | Francois Beauvais | François Depret | François Desrochers | François Gosselin | François Loubert-Hudon | Frédéric Lestage | Gabriel Pontbriand | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Plante | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Mousseau | Grégory Vadnais Alcide | Guillaume Cavaliere-Beranek | Gustavo Perez Rangel | Hugo Desmeules | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean Laurin | Jean-Benoît Meunier | Jean-Francois Bisson | Jean-Philippe Langevin | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jennifer Erb | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Jessica Ye | Joel Thomas Adria | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan Marcotte | Jonathan St-Onge | Jordi-B Gauthier | Joris Bourgault Paquet | Joseph Browne | Joshua Michael Baptista | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Julie Mougeot | Julie Roy-Lamarre | Julien Roberge | Justine Lefrancois | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Loïc Lerat | Lou Guettet | Louis Bressand | Lyes Belhocine | Mailys Gandin | Manon McHugh | Marc Tétreault | Marc-André Monette | Maria Cuadra | Marianne Bousquet | Marie Belzil | Marie-Claire Lynn | Marie-Helene Pouliot | Marie-Pier Veilleux | Marie-Pier Veilleux-transfered | Marine Scélin | Martin Marier | Matei Georgescu-Paquin | Mathieu Grainger | Mathieu Monnier | Mathieu Morasse | Matthew Palmer | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maxime Doyle | Maxime Geraldes | Maximilien Rathier | Melody Ha | Michel Klingler | Michèle Seguin | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Nathalie Bédard-Morin | Nathanaël Couture-Lécaudé | Nayda Navas | Nikolas De Vigne Blanchet | Olivier Maurice | Pascal Michel | Patricia Ruel | Patrick Bisson | Patrick Keyser | Philippe Huot | Pier-Luc Long | Quentin Bleton | Reda Radi | Rémi Lécuyer | Remi St-Onge | Richard Hachem | Robert Al-Romhein | Roslane Moussouni | Sarah Lachance | Sebastien Berube | Serge Tremblay | Shogo Kamada | Simon Leonard | Sofiia Linichenko | Sonia Seninck | Sophiane Verri | Sophie Midavaine | Sotheary Ouk | Stacey Leavitt | Stephane Lemay | Steven Béliveau | Sylvia Mazzotti | Tara-Maria Massaad | Thomas Fuentes | Valérie D'Amours | Valérie Silva | Vanessa Chartrand | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Letellier | William Lalonde-Henry | Xavier Keating | Yanick Landry | Yolaine P. Bouliane | Zacharie Perreault-Samson
- 2025 | Singapore
- 2024 | Calgary
- 2024 | Adelaide
- 2023 | Montreal
A playful and immersive multimedia experience, powered by visitors’ curiosity and participation.
Mirror Mirror by Moment Factory is a multi-room art experience that invites visitors of all ages to immerse themselves in a creative and interactive realm. The experience transforms an indoor venue into a vibrant, interactive environment, offering a seamless journey through multiple immersive art installations. Inspired by boundless creativity of the human mind, each room is carefully curated and encourages active participation from all visitors.
Unlike traditional art exhibits, Mirror Mirror blurs the line between spectator and creator, enabling visitors to contribute to their journey in real time.
As a versatile and innovative attraction, Mirror Mirror is perfect for bringing venues to life, attracting diverse audiences, and enhancing visitor participation. Mirror Mirror does more than entertain – it transforms ordinary spaces into extraordinary destinations and creates lasting memories and emotions.