2024- Dallas
Amina El Assad | Ana Bohuon | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Audrey Resche | Belén Diaz Ripa | Benoît Penaud | Catherine Lachance | Charles MacKay | Charlie Duquette | Charlotte Leclair | Chloé De Labareyre | Chloé Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Cléo Ghnassia | Dominique Sauvageau | Émelie Bélair | Emily Thorne | Eric Bouchard | Fabienne Mukoma | François Joffre | François Gosselin | Gabriel Dugas Dallaire | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Jacob Moquin-Carle | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean-Daniel Forgues Caron | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jeffrey Chaussé | Jennifer Erb | John Edward Stafford | Jonathan Fauchon | Joshua Selinger | Josianne Lefebvre | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Kaelen-Fee Maryse Perchuk | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Maija Erickson | Mariève Dorman | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Mylène Filteau | Pascal Cousineau | Rémy Girard-Chénier | Serge Tremblay | Simon Carrière Legris | Simone Puzzovio | Thomas Pintal | Valérie Sangin | Valérie Atys Maho | Valérie Grenon | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Vincent Rousselle
2023 - Seattle
Alessia Simo | Alexandre Dion-Proulx | Alexis Bowles | Amina El Assad | Ana Bohuon | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Aras Bukauskas | Audrey Resche | Audrey-Kim Poulin | Auriane Falières | Benoit Giguère | Briana Larson | Catherine Deschatelets | Catherine Lachance | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles MacKay | Charlotte Leclair | Chloé Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Christophe Clermont | Cléo Ghnassia | David Richard | Émelie Bélair | Émilie Hudon | Emily Thorne | Eric Bouchard | Esteban Chacin | Fabienne Mukoma | Fortunat Bolangembe | Francis Clément | Francis Gingras | Francois Beauvais | François Depret | François Gosselin | Frédérique Fouché-Lemieux | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Plante | Gaël Szpak | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Mousseau | Guillaume Bunel | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean Laurin | Jean-Philippe Langevin | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jennifer Erb | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Joel Thomas Adria | John Edward Stafford | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jordi-B Gauthier | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Julie Roy-Lamarre | Juliette Pays | Kaelen-Fee Maryse Perchuk | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Loïc Lerat | Lou Guettet | Magalie Desrochers | Manon McHugh | Marc-André Baril | Maria Cuadra | Marie-Josée Houle | Matei Georgescu-Paquin | Mathieu Désilets | Mathieu Monnier | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maxime Doyle | Michael Rabarone | Michèle Seguin | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Olivia Meredith Bélanger-Mathieu | Patricia Ruel | Philippe Huot | Pierre-Olivier Durand | Richard Hachem | Serge Tremblay | Simon Carrière Legris | Sophiane Verri | Sotheary Ouk | Tara-Maria Massaad | Thomas Pintal | Vanessa Chartrand | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Rousselle | Yanick Landry
2023 - New York
Alessia Simo | Alexandre Lupien | Alexandre Spanoudis | Alexis Bowles | Ana Bohuon | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Audrey Resche | Audrey-Kim Poulin | Auriane Falières | Benoit Giguère | Briana Larson | Catherine Lachance | Cécilia Gauffre | Charlotte Leclair | Chloé Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Cléo Ghnassia | David Richard | Émelie Bélair | Émilie Hudon | Emily Thorne | Eric Bouchard | Esteban Chacin | Étienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Fortunat Bolangembe | Francis Clément | Francis Gingras | Francois Beauvais | François Depret | François Gosselin | Frédérique Fouché-Lemieux | Gabriel Dugas Dallaire | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Plante | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Mousseau | Grégory Vadnais Alcide | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jennifer Erb | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Joel Thomas Adria | John Edward Stafford | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan Marcotte | Jonathan St-Onge | Jordi-B Gauthier | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Juliette Pays | Kaelen-Fee Maryse Perchuk | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Lou Guettet | Magalie Desrochers | Manon McHugh | Marc-André Baril | Maria Cuadra | Marie-Pier Veilleux-transfered | Matei Georgescu-Paquin | Mathieu Désilets(transferred) | Mathieu Monnier | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maxime Doyle | Michel Klingler | Michèle Seguin | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Olivier Maurice | Pascal Cousineau | Patricia Ruel | Philippe Huot | Pierre-Olivier Durand | Richard Hachem | Serge Tremblay | Simon Carrière Legris | Sun-Lay Gagneux | Thi Anh Dao Bui | Thomas Pintal | Vanessa Chartrand | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Rousselle | Yanick Landry
2022 - Los Angeles
Alessia Simo | Alexandre Dion-Proulx | Alexandre Spanoudis | Amina El Assad | Amy Chartrand | Anne-Marie Lavoie | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Audrey Resche | Auriane Falieres | Benoît Giguère | Cassandre Leguay | Catherine Giroul | Catherine Lachance | Catherine Therrien | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlotte Leclair | Chloe Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Cléo Ghnassia | Corentin Kieffer | David Bourret | David Richard | Elliot Pronovost | Émelie Bélair | Emilie Hudon | Emilien Grèzes | Éric Bouchard | Esteban Chacin | Etienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Florian Fouchet | Francis Clement | Francis Gingras | Francis Kadulick | François Beauvais | Francois Gosselin | Francois Loubert-Hudon | François Morel | Frédérique Fouché-Lemieux | Gabriel Dugas Dallaire | Gabriel Pontbriand | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Geneviève Mousseau | Gregory Vadnais | Guy Laflamme | Jade André-Lafrenière | Jean Artiges | Jean-François Bisson | Jean-Philippe Langevin | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jennifer Erb | Jerome Gasselin | Jessica Leroux | Joel Adria | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan St-Onge | Jordi Gauthier | Jorge Garcia | Joshua Selinger | Karl Rhainds | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Kiana Rivard | Lionel Courtiaud | Lou Guettet | Louis Bressand | Mailys Gandin | Manon McHugh | Marc-Andre Baril | Marc-André Monette | Marianne Bousquet | Marie Belzil | Marie-Josée Houle | Mathieu Monnier | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maximilien Rathier | Michel Klingler | Michèle Séguin | Mylene Filteau | Nadim Souaid | Olivier Maurice | Patricia Ruel | Paul Chinnery | Philippe Huot | Pierre-Olivier Durand | Reda Radi | Rémy Girard-Chénier | Sara El Bain | Sarah Lachance | Serge Tremblay | Shogo Kamada | Simon Léonard | Sonia Seninck | Sotheary Ouk | Stacey Leavitt | Stéphane Lemay | Stephane Raymond | Tara-Maria Massaad | Thibault Libert | Thomas Pintal | Valerie D'Amours | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Beaulieu | Vincent Letellier | Vincent Rousselle
2022 - Gatlinburg
Alessia Simo | Alexandra Lussier-Craig | Alexandre Dion-Proulx | Alexandre Lupien | Alexandre Spanoudis | Alexis Bowles | Amahl Hazelton | Amina El Assad | Andrés Auld | Annie Leclerc-Casavant | Ariane Dorig | Ariane Hamel | Audrey Resche | Auriane Falieres | Axel Hélie Fontaine | Benoît Giguère | Benoit Penaud | Benoit Roy | Briana Larson | Bronwyn Averett | Catherine Deschatelets | Catherine Emond | Catherine Giroul | Catherine Grenier | Catherine Lachance | Catherine Therrien | Catherine Villeneuve | Cécilia Gauffre | Charles-Olivier Gosselin | Charlotte Leclair | Charlotte Rudelle | Chloe Rondeau | Christian L'Heureux | Christian Pelletier | Cléo Ghnassia | Corentin Kieffer | David Bourret | David Churma | David Noppen | David Richard | Dominic Sauvageau | Elijah Lindenberger | Elliot Pronovost | Émelie Bélair | Emilie Hudon | Éric Bouchard | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Etienne Varin | Fabienne Mukoma | Fady Atallah | Florian Fouchet | Francis Clement | Francis Gingras | Francois Joron | François Beauvais | François Depret | Francois Gosselin | Frédérique Fouché-Lemieux | Gabriel Pontbriand | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Geneviève Forest | Geneviève Mousseau | Gregg Stankowski | Gregory Vadnais | Guillaume Borgomano | Hadrien Bennehard | Ionut Ovidiu Lupu | Jamie Reilly | Jean Laurin | Jean-Benoit Meunier | Jean-François Bisson | Jean-Philippe Langevin | Jean-Simon Therrien | Jeffrey Chausse | Jennifer Erb | Jerome Gasselin | Jessica Leroux | Jimmy Deschenes | Jimmy Mauchretien | Joel Adria | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jonathan St-Onge | Jordi Gauthier | Jorge Garcia | Joshua Selinger | Julie Boniche | Julie Roy-Lamarre | Justine Lefrancois | Karo Boily Boulay | Kevin Labrie | Kun Chang | Laura Llorens | Lionel Courtiaud | Loic Lerat | Lou Guettet | Louis Bressand | Manon McHugh | Marc Tétreault | Maria Cuadra | Marie Belzil | Marie-Claire Lynn | Marie-Josée Houle | Marie-Pier Veilleux | Marieve Dorman | Martine Lemieux | Mathieu Desilets | Mathieu Grainger | Mathieu Monnier | Matthew Palmer | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maude Brizard | Maximilien Rathier | Michel Klingler | Michèle Séguin | Mylene Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Nicolas Garric | Pascal Cousineau | Patrice Bilodeau | Patricia Ruel | Paul Chinnery | Pierre Corsy | Pierre-Olivier Durand | Quentin Bleton | Quitterie Boissé | Randy Gonzalez | Reda Radi | Remi Lapointe | Rémy Girard-Chénier | Sébastien Tessier | Serge Tremblay | Serina Tarkhanian | Shogo Kamada | Simon Léveillé | Simon Methot | Sonia Seninck | Sotheary Ouk | Stacey Leavitt | Sun-lay Gagneux | Thibault Libert | Thomas Gibault | Thomas Pintal | Valerie D'Amours | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Beaulieu | Vincent Letellier | Yanick Landry | Zane Kozak
- 2025 | Gold Coast
- 2024 | Philadelphia
- 2024 | Dallas
- 2023 | Seattle
- 2023 | New York
- 2022 | Los Angeles
- 2022 | Gatlinburg
Featuring the same experience as Lumina Night Walks, Astra’s star-themed offering delivers easy deployment for a variety of sites and markets.
For more than ten years, Moment Factory has illuminated the world with over 20 Lumina Enchanted Night Walks. The award-winning series of immersive outdoor experiences uses an original blend of creativity and innovation to transform natural sites into dynamic narrative settings.
Astra Lumina is a night-time experience based on a universal story about the stars that can be tailored to a wide variety of sites, including nature trails and botanical gardens. In the same enchanted spirit as Lumina Night Walks, visitors explore a multimedia pathway that spans multiple zones, featuring synchronized video projection, lighting, music, and special effects. Together, these features form a smooth narrative journey inspired by a theme that resonates with all cultures and regions.
In addition to providing a complementary activity that extends the host site’s operating hours and generates new revenue streams, Astra Lumina easily and quickly accommodates sites of different types. This innovative creative approach meets client needs for crowd-pleasing attractions, fast turnaround, and cost-effective solutions.