Charlotte Leclair | Christophe Clermont | Cléo Ghnassia | Cloé St-Cyr | Corentin Kieffer | Cyril Gasté | David Brebant | David Churma | David D'Anjou | David Richard | Dominique Sauvageau | Drew Boyle | Émelie Bélair | Émilie Hudon | Emily Thorne | Eric Bouchard | Erwann Bernard | Esteban Chacin | Étienne Varin | Eugénie Tutin | Fabienne Mukoma | Félix Lescure | Florian Fouchet | Fortunat Bolangembe | Francis Gingras | Francis Handfield | Francois Beauvais | François Depret | François Desrochers | François Gosselin | François Loubert-Hudon | François Morel | François Pellet | Gabriel Dugas Dallaire | Gabriela Edith | Martinez De Leon | Gabrielle Maisonneuve | Gabrielle Plante | Galina Tsyganovskaya | Geneviève Forest | Geneviève Mousseau | Grégory Vadnais Alcide | Guillaume Bunel | Gustavo Rondon Linares | Hugo Desmeules | Jacob Moquin-Carle | Jade Dupuy De La Grandrive | Jamie Reilly | Jamie Tobin | Jean Artiges | Jean Laurin | Jean-Benoît Meunier | Jean-Claude Macena | Jean-Daniel Forgues Caron | Jeffrey Chaussé | Jennifer Erb | Jérôme Gasselin | Jerome Marion | Jessica Leroux | Jonathan Chammas | Jonathan Fauchon | Jordi-B Gauthier | Joseph Browne | Joshua Selinger | Julie Lajoie-Bilodeau | Julie Mougeot | Julien Roberge | Juliette Derkaoui | Karo Boily Boulay | Kyle Greenberg | Laura Sanchez Llorens | Laurence Pasteels | Laurent Monnier | Lou Guettet | Mailys Gandin | Maïté Godin-Cosandey | Manon McHugh | Marc Tétreault | Marc-André Monette | Marc-André Paquet | Maria Cuadra | Marie Belzil | Marie Martineau | Marie-Claire Lynn | Marie-Eve Meilleur | Marie-Eve Pageau | Marie-Pier Veilleux | Mariève Deschamps | Mariève Dorman | Martin Pelland | Maryse De Lottinville | Mathieu Désilets | Mathieu Monnier | Mathieu Morasse | Matthew Palmer | Matthieu Gourd | Matthieu Pichette-Fournier | Maxime Doyle | Maxime Geraldes | Michael Rabarone | Michel Klingler | Michèle Seguin | Mylène Filteau | Myriam Dechamplain | Nadim Souaid | Nathalie Bédard-Morin | Nicolas Garric | Olivia Meredith Bélanger-Mathieu |Olivier Maurice | Pamela Schneider | Pascal Michel | Patricia Tremblay | Philippe Huot | Pierre Biet | Pierre-Alban Kientz | Quentin Bleton | Quitterie Boissé | Rachel Claude | Randy Gonzalez | Rémi Lécuyer | Richard Hachem | Richard Paquin | Robert Al-Romhein | Roslane Moussouni | Ryan Marshall | Salim Lounis | Samantha Scenna | Sarah Lachance | Shogo Kamada | Sonia Seninck | Sophiane Verri | Sophie Carle | Tara-Maria Massaad | Thibault Magni | Valérie Silva | Vanessa Chartrand | Véronique Tessier | Vicky Leblanc | Victor Brayant | Victor Lamontagne | Vincent Beaulieu | Vincent Letellier | Vincent Rousselle | Yanick Landry | Zacharie Perreault-Samson
Heart Strings By UNICEF USA
UNICEF USA invites guests to join children worldwide in powering a universal song.
Created in collaboration with UNICEF USA, Heart Strings is a branded ticketed touring experience that aims to raise brand awareness, introduce innovative fundraising opportunities, and promote the organization’s mission to new audiences.
Heart Strings is a multi-room walkthrough experience featuring a series of musical multimedia installations that showcase children around the globe. Combining interactive engagement with educational content, the experience promotes learning through emotion, information, and entertainment.
Guests move through multiple interactive zones, helping to power a collaborative song. Zones include ‘Heart Beats’, where guest heartbeats contribute to the song’s rhythm; ‘Living Lyrics’, where selecting words from children’s quotes composes the song’s lyrics; and ‘Voices of Power’, where sharing messages of empowerment builds the song’s chorus. Each zone is supported by dynamic stories of children worldwide. The experience culminates in ‘Harmony Hall’, where guests learn more about UNICEF initiatives, and are encouraged to pledge their support.